About Us

Dr. Keith Jordan
Creator and Teacher
Hello Friends!
I am Keith and welcome to The Practice Heals.
As a holistic physician for over 25 years I found irrefutable empirical evidence that how we choose to experience our lives directly affects our health and well being on all levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. And to be truly well we must choose to see life as a beautiful journey full of all types of experiences including those that bring love, loss, misery, and joy.
There are three experiences we all have in common. We are born, live, and die. Everything that happens in between can be viewed and experienced as either a random series of events, or, as a journey we all go on that has a greater purpose and meaning we are here to engage in, experience, and allow to change us in all the ways we could never have imagined possible.
How we choose to experience it profoundly changes the quality of our life and those around us for the better or the worse.
The purpose of The Practice is to give you a way of living throughout all Life’s experiences. A way to see the signs Life is showing you, and allow you to practice seeing the meaning and the greater purpose and beauty in it all that makes Life such a miracle worth living to its fullest.
I offer this platform at no charge from a place of love. Removing all the pylons. You have nothing to lose but the parts of you that are holding you back.
Come on in! Engage, Enjoy, Have Fun!
This is Life, and we are here to Love It and Live It!
I Love Life with All I Am,